Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Concept Art Inspiration: Karl Simon Gustafsson and Nathan Fowkes

I looked primarily at 2 artists (images from conceptartworld.com)

The first is Karl Simon Gustafsson.  I like the way he handles fire and sparse, concentrated light sources in dark spaces.

I also really enjoy Nathan Fowkes' work.  The way he exaggerates colors and creates a sense of depth in interior spaces is really nice.


  1. These are fantastic! I really like this style, thanks for sharing.

  2. Good sources. Your comments are apt. They are so different from each other! One emphasizes slight emanating from the art - sometimes from various sources sometimes from a single dramatic source primarily - and always with a very dark, spacious, outdoors environment and an extremely limited palette. The other emphasizes a more compressed depth and an exaggerated light in interiors, with more emphasis on unusual light placement and effects, and a more extensive palette, and more intimacy with characters. Wonder which way you will go? :-) Maybe that is why you have tension in your two works - one is like the first artist and one is like the second....
